Zero Waste Day Photos
The Recycling Committee conducted Chelmsford’s first Zero Waste Day event on Saturday, Nov 5, 2023, at McCarthy Middle School. Residents were invited to drive through the parking lot and drop off usable goods for donation to various organizations, in addition to paper shredding and bulb/battery collection. Approximately 375 cars participated. Residents donated 12 large boxes of food and $510.70 in cash donations for the Chelmsford Food Pantry. The Bike Connector received over 80 bikes. Bay State Books filled 3 collection bins, and the Friends of the Library collected many books for their next sale. Habitat ReStore and Simple Recycling filled their trucks, too. All these items were diverted from the waste stream and are destined for reuse. The committee was thrilled with the community response and we hope to make this an annual event.